PHPEdit - the best PHP editor

About one month ago I found out, that PSPad editor already isn't enough for writing PHP projects. I needen a tool, which simplifies not only writing of applications, but mainly debugging of errors and performance.


First I tried PHPEclipse. It's a professional editor written in Java with a couple of plugins. I liked PHPEclipse overall, but it has some disadvantage, that were to much annoying me. It was a hard work to get PHP debugger DBG in use. After reading of some forums and several hours of experiments I finally succeeded. But if I wanted to start debugging, I had to start debugging in PHPEclipse, then open certain page in web browser and then I saw some output at last. Besides breakpoints doesn't work for most of people (including me). Another big failure is absence of profiler. So I rejected PHPEclipse and started looking for something else.


After while I found much better option. PHPEdit.

Editor includes very simple and useful debugger, well-arranged profiler, whisperer, code browser, dynamic syntax highlighting, code templates, etc.

Some figures are better than thousand of words...

PHPEdit ins't freeware, but authors provide personal licences for free in some cases.

If you were viewing figures carefully, you might have taken note, that there is some project called Core. That's a MVC framework, which I'm finishing these days and which will be the foundation-stone for long promising open-source redaction system NORS 4.